Firstly, our team wants to extend a sincere Thank you to all who attended and participated in Think Tank 2019. It was successful beyond our expectations and we cannot wait to bring you Think Tank 2020!
Due to a technical glitch, the Think Tank closed down a day early. We felt the best way to remedy this was to grant you access again and keep it open through Mother's Day as a way of saying we were sorry. You now have access until May 12! Be on the lookout for an email from Kajabi granting you access to Think Tank.
We will also be distilling the sessions into their tracks and creating courses on the tracks in partnership with CoachTube, We are finalizing details and migrating the talks now. Stay tuned!
Also, don't forget to take our survey. It helps us deliver the best possible experience and we are working on a nice gift for anyone who takes the survey. As a gift for doing the survey, we are going to grant you free access to the Think Tank courses on CoachTube when they launch. Be sure to include your name and email when you do the survey so we can grant you the free access.
Take the survey here --> Yes! I would love to provide feedback!
Again, from all of us in the Fab Four, Thank you!
Reed, Ruth, Gordon, and Sam