Player Development

Designing, developing, and committing to a player development philosophy and supporting principles, models, curricula, and resources are paramount. This is who you are as a club and the experience you provide to your membership. It should differentiate you in the market. Our experts will walk you through our proprietary approach to help you create a unique and sound philosophical underpinning for your player development platform, including all the requisite components.


Why You Should Care

  • Can your coaches effectively explain the club’s player development philosophy?
  • Does your club have an identity/game model that leverages a common language?
  • Does your club have a coaches’ profile that fits with the mission and vision of the club?
  • Does the club attract the most talented coaches?
  • Is there a validated approach used to assess and select coaches?
  • Is there an approach to assessing player and coach performance and providing feedback?
  • Are the club’s coaches offered meaningful development opportunities?
  • Is there a logical skill, tactical, and strategy-build through the age groups at the club?
  • Do players feel like they are receiving quality coaching and development opportunities?
  • Does the club struggle with referee recruitment and retention?


The Focus

  • player development philosophy
  • game models and principles
  • curriculum development
  • player profile
  • coaches’ profile
  • coach and player mentorship
  • education programs
  • referee development
  • facilities management


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The Game Planners
353 Capstone St. Belton, Texas 76513

Mo-Fr: 9.00AM - 6.00PM