Business Development

Your club needs to be run like a business. Sound plans need to be developed, pressure-tested, implemented, and monitored for effectiveness. Financial planning, marketing, risk/crisis management, communications, administrative management, club programming are all critical aspects of running a successful operation. TGP has experts in these areas eager to help you build or refine your plans.


Why You Should Care

  • Does the club have a data-driven financial and marketing plan?
  • Does the club have a good and productive relationship with the community?
  • Does the club have a successful sponsorship strategy?
  • Are club members satisfied with the value they are receiving?
  • Does the club have a ‘listening’ mechanism sense how its membership is feeling?
  • Does the club offer a robust slate of programming to its membership?
  • Does the club have a communications and branding strategy?
  • Does the club have a retention strategy?


The Focus

  • budgeting
  • marketing strategy
  • financial and risk management strategy
  • community relationships
  • sponsorship
  • communication and branding strategy
  • club programming



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The Game Planners
353 Capstone St. Belton, Texas 76513

Mo-Fr: 9.00AM - 6.00PM